About Me
Software minimalist and beginner blogger, read my blog here. Been using Linux since 2022, and I'm currently running Void Linux on both my desktop PC and my laptop.
Tools I Use and Recommend
- bash ------ GNU's Bourne Again SHell.
- opendoas -- A port of OpenBSD's doas tool.
- openssh --- Connect to and manage machines remotely.
- git ------- Version Control System.
- neovim ---- Fast and powerful terminal-based text editor.
- tmux ------ Powerful terminal multiplexer.
- dwl/dwm --- Lightweight window managers for Wayland and Xorg, respectively.
- foot/st --- Lightweight terminal emulators for Wayland and Xorg, respectively.
- newsraft -- Small RSS feed reader.
- firefox --- Open source world wide web browser.
My Projects
- Perhaps Blog
- Perlfetch (SourceHut)(Codeberg)(GitHub)
A tiny system information script for Linux and OS X.
- Dotfiles (SourceHut)(Codeberg)(GitHub)
- Iosevka Custom (SourceHut)(Codeberg)(GitHub)
- Iosevka Custom Nerd Font (SourceHut)(Codeberg)(GitHub)
My configuration files for variations programs.
My custom variation/configuration of the lovely Iosevka font.
My custom nerd font variation/configuration of the lovely Iosevka font.